Descaler is a colourless liquid with no odour. Descaler is a concentrated acidic cleaner which may be used for a variety of purposes depending on the dilution. Its blend of acids provides fast, effective scale and rust removal. Descaler can also be used in the cleaning and brightening of stainless steel instruments and utensils, trolleys and counter tops. This product is also effective in removing calcium deposits from drinking fountains and showers.
Removes scale and rusts.
Brightens stainless steel.
Concentrated fast acting formula.
Multiple applications.
1. Drain dishwasher and refill with fresh water, Allow water to heat to 60°C
2. Add 500ml of Descaler and run machine for 10 minutes. Stop machine and observe results. In case of heavily scaled or soiled machines, a long handled nylon brush may be used to loosen heavy deposits.
3. Restart machine and allow to operate for further 5 minutes.
4. Drain and rinse machine. Machine is ready to commence normal operations.
5. In case of automatic machine run for consecutives cycles for 10 minutes.
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